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Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)

As an agency of the Department of Commerce, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) mission is to describe and predict changes in the earth's environment and to conserve and wisely manage the nation's coastal and marine resources. To assist in this mission, the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) ensures timely access to global environmental data from satellites and other sources. The Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution (OSDPD) manages and directs the operation of the central ground facilities that ingest, process, and distribute environmental satellite data and derived products to domestic and foreign users, the Environmental Satellite Processing Center (ESPC).

The Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) project provides an alternative processing facility or backup for ESPC to maintain critical operations and functions in the event of an unexpected and sustained loss of service at the ESPC. In the event the CIP is activated, a notification will be sent out to the user community with a link to a detailed list of products currently produced at the CIP. A listing of ESPC products not available from the CIP will be posted as well.

Note: Some products made at ESPC are deemed critical, and the need to produce them drives the applications, platforms and communications facilities replicated at the alternative processing facility. Priority 1 products have a return to service (RTS) time of within 24 hours after the decision to activate the ESPC/CIP has been made. Priority 2 products have a 48 hour RTS time.

Critical Products List (updated October 21, 2019) PDF |  Excel file (XLS)
Products Not Available During CIP Event (updated October 21, 2019) PDF |  Excel file (XLS)
NDE Non-CIP Products



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