Saturday, July 09, 2005

THRU 0230Z JULY 10, 2005

Smoke produced by several large fires across central Alaska continues
to spread generally eastward across the border into northwestern Canada.

Canada/North Central US:
The enormous area of smoke produced by very large wildfires across north
central Saskatchewan Province and Manitoba Province of west-central Canada
is visible across a large portion of central Canada, covering Hudson Bay,
as well as the far northwestern Great Lakes region around Lake Superior,
the upper peninsula of Michigan, and far northern lower Michigan. The
huge mass of smoke generally appears to be spreading eastward.

Eastern Canada:
A diminishing detached area of smoke visible for the past couple of
days across far southeastern Canada has shifted into Newfoundland and
off the coast into the Atlantic. This smoke is likely a combination of
the fires over Saskatchewan and Manitoba Provinces as well as fires over
Quebec Province.

A number of large fires across northern Baja California continue to
send smoke plumes northeastward into far southeastern California and
southwestern Arizona.


Unless otherwise indicated:
  • Areas of smoke are analyzed using GOES-EAST and GOES-WEST Visible satellite imagery.
  • Only a general description of areas of smoke or significant smoke plumes will be analyzed.
  • A quantitative assessment of the density/amount of particulate or the vertical distribution is not included.
  • Widespread cloudiness may prevent the detection of smoke even from significant fires.