Saturday, May 24, 2008

THROUGH 1545Z May 24, 2008

Western Gulf of Mexico/Texas/Oklahoma:
Widespread thin smoke and haze is visible over much of the western Gulf
of Mexico with the likely source being fires in the Yucatan Peninsula.

Clouds cover much of eastern Texas and therefore preclude smoke detection
in this area. However, an area of thin smoke is seen along the back
edge of the clouds in south central Oklahoma and north central Texas
along the Red River. The source of the smoke is likely either the fires
across Central America or a large blaze in Brewster county Texas last
evening. Additionally, thin smoke from the Brewster county fire was
seen early this morning in a narrow plume extending south into the south
central portion of the county.

Northwest Territories Canada:
A broad area of thin smoke was seen covering much of the central Northwest
Territories in Canada extending from the north slope across Great Bear and
Great Slave Lakes and just reaching the northern border of Alberta. The
source of this smoke is likely large fires burning in eastern Russia.



Unless otherwise indicated:
  • Areas of smoke are analyzed using GOES-EAST and GOES-WEST Visible satellite imagery.
  • Only a general description of areas of smoke or significant smoke plumes will be analyzed.
  • A quantitative assessment of the density/amount of particulate or the vertical distribution is not included.
  • Widespread cloudiness may prevent the detection of smoke even from significant fires.