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GOES-West  Texas - Fire Floater

Click on Image to enlarge. - Hit "Reload" to view the latest data - Images are updated every 30 minutes.

These images are considered "raw" data, with no analysis of fires and/or smoke. To view the official analyses by NOAA meteorologists, please see the Hazard Mapping System Fire and Smoke Product. Probable fires will appear as sharp white "spots" in the Reflectivity and Infrared images.

See a brief explanation of the Infrared Reflectivity Product.

GOES-West Visible
GOES-West Visible Image

GOES-West Infrared Ch. 4
GOES-West IR Image

GOES-West Infrared Ch. 2
GOES-West IR Image

GOES-West Reflectivity
GOES-West Reflectivity Image

GOES-West Shortwave Alb.
GOES-West Shortwave Albedo Image

HMS Fire Analysis
Latest HMS Analysis


Single Image - 2 km
With Lat/Lon Without Lat/Lon
Visible Visible
VIS Fire VIS Fire
Funktop (IR4) Funktop (IR4)
Unenhanced (IR4) Unenhanced (IR4)
Reflectivity Reflectivity
Shortwave Albedo Shortwave Albedo
Infrared Channel 2 Enhancements
Shortwave Shortwave
Standard Fire Standard Fire
Summer Fire Summer Fire
Winter Fire Winter Fire
Unenhanced Unenhanced


Flash Loop Note:
Standard - usually 12-15 images with multiple static overlays
Enhanced - usually 12-15 images with selected dynamic overlays
All Loops have a Lat/Lon Overlay

Enhancement Descriptions:

Abbreviation Full Name Description
Aviation Aviation IR4 enhancement
Reflectivity Reflectivity. Highlights areas of high heat.
Funktop Funktop enhancement - developed by Ted Funk. Highlights intense areas of precipitation
Shortwave IR Channel 2 - Shortwave, sometimes considered "night visible"
Fire Standard IR Channel 2 with standard fire enhancement
Fire Summer IR Channel 2 with enhancemnet for the hot summer season
Unenhanced IR Channel 2 with no enhancementn
Fire Winter IR Channel 2 with enhancement for the cool winter season
Unenhanced Unenhanced IR Channel 4 imagery
Shortwave Albedo Enhanced Multispectral Albedo Product
Visible Unenhanced Visible imagery that transitions to IR2 overnight.
Visible Fire Fire Enhanced Visible imagery that transitions to IR2 overnight.


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